As a female game developer, it’s always great to see women represented in video games – female gamers do exist, after all! In particular, I tend to take notice when a game includes a fleshed-out, memorable female character. Thanks to their unique qualities and origin stories, there are a handful of female game characters that have stuck with me through the years…
By Becca Bair
Celes Chere, Final Fantasy 6 – Initially a general for the Empire, Celes Chere’s tragic past and her disillusionment with the Gestahlian Empire has led her to defect and join the Returners. If her growth as a person and her powerful Magitek spells don’t win you over as a player, her flawless singing voice will.
Ellie, The Last of Us – As soon as you’re introduced to the quick-witted Ellie, the tenacious teenager begins to win your heart. Travelling alongside main protagonist Joel, Ellie offers aid, as well as another perspective and a biting sense of humour that leaves you, as the player, with a strong drive to help her see her journey through to the end.
Faith Connors, Mirror’s Edge – Raised by parents fighting to keep the city from falling to an oppressive regime, Faith Connors of Mirror’s Edge is no stranger to mutiny. Her devotion to the city and the revolutionaries is what drives her to become a “Runner” – a risk-taking courier who delivers items and communiqués to revolutionary groups. Faith’s physical abilities and determination to do the right thing make her one of the strongest women on this list.
Clementine, The Walking Dead – After losing her parents in the zombie apocalypse, Clementine is forced to grow up in a world where danger, death and loss are lurking around every corner. Initially as the player, you may view the young Clem as a liability, but her street smarts and intuition shine through when the moment calls for it. Her ability to persevere and keep the fight going makes Clementine a character you’re rooting for all the way to the end.
Morrigan, Dragon Age – Raised in the Korcari Wilds by her “Witch of the Wilds” mother Flemeth, Dragon Age’s Morrigan is a powerful shapeshifter and sorceress. Because she learned magic outside the confines of the Circle of Magi, she is considered a rebel Apostate. Her her biting wit, shapeshifting abilities and insistence on going against the grain quickly maker her an asset to the team.
Chun-Li, Street Fighter – As the first female character ever in a fighting game, Chun-Li has had major street cred since her first appearance in 1991. Add to that the fact that she’s an expert martial artist and Interpol officer, and you’d be nuts to not help her seek her revenge against M. Bison for the murder of her father.
Jill Valentine, Resident Evil – As a United States Army veteran, Jill Valentine’s bomb disposal and lock-picking skills earned her the attention of the S.T.A.R.S. task force team in Raccoon City. Brought in to investigate a series of mysterious disappearances, it becomes clear that the strange occurrences are T-Virus related and were caused by S.T.A.R.S.’ biggest donor, Umbrella Corp. It’s up to Jill to use her special skill set and quick draw to right Umbrella Corp’s wrongs and take down the mutations before they can do any further damage.
Samus Aran, Metroid – With her skill set as an ex-soldier of the Galactic Federation, Samus Aran takes to her new job as a galactic bounty hunter quite seriously. Fitted with a powered exoskeleton containing energy weapons and missiles, Samus makes hunting Space Pirates and Metroids look like child’s play.
Aya Brea, Parasite Eve – As an NYPD detective, Aya Brea doesn’t need special powers to kick butt. But after a corneal transplant containing advanced mitochondria begins to change her genetic structure, it’s clear she’s fated for much more. With her freshly developed special powers, Aya spends 6 days hunting down and destroying Neo-Mitochondrial Creatures in order to save all of New York City – all the while decked out in the heels and black dress she was wearing when the Opera House was attacked at the beginning of the game.
Ayame, Tenchu – Ayame is a prodigal assassin who was adopted by a ninja master and raised to be a master of stealth. Creeping in the shadows, she’s light on her feet, and her twin daggers are capable of tearing through the enemy. When her task requires painful decisions and she’s faced with the possibility of losing her partner Rikimaru, she shows great strength by pushing through to see her way to the end.
2B, NieR:Automata – YoRHa No.2 Type B (Battle), or 2B for short, is the android protagonist for RPG NieR:Automata. Created as an all-purpose battle android to take down the machine life forms invading the planet, 2B is adept at kicking butt and taking names. When her emotionless demeanor is occasionally replaced by feelings of anger and remorse, the player sees that her will is just as strong as she is.
Agrias Oaks, Final Fantasy Tactics – Serving as personal bodyguard to the princess, Agrias Oaks is loyal to her kingdom and is prepared to lay down her life to prevent Ivalice from falling to corruption. As a Holy Knight, Agrias comes equipped with numerous powerful sword techniques that devastate on the battlefield. When this Lionsguard joins up with your party, you won’t ever want to remove her from your roster.
Aloy, Horizon Zero Dawn – Created as a genetic clone of a famous 21st-century roboticist and engineer, Aloy has some big shoes to fill – and boy does she fill them. Not only does she kick some serious robo-dino butt and serve as a valuable community leader to her tribe, but she also prevents the world from falling to the Faro Plague and, in the process, comes to unravel the mysteries of why the world is the way it is – as well as the mysteries surrounding her own origins.
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