New Year, New Look: Your 2024 Style Resolution
New year, new style? Maybe not new, but definitely smarter, greener and more stylish. Take this quiz to find out how to evolve your fashion sensibility in the year ahead
By María Elisa Gómez SosaIf you’re anything like us, you’ve got a full list of resolutions for 2024. And if breathing new life into your wardrobe is one of them, then let us help.
Instead of suggesting overly ambitious fashion goals that’ll flame out before February, we prefer to focus on easy, achievable steps that will allow you to reset your relationship with fashion and build a smarter, ‘cleaner’ and more stylish closet. Whether it’s transforming your shopping habits, learning to dress for success, or taking positive action in your community, there’s only one way to unveil the ideal fashion path for you to embark upon this year…











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