Quiz: What Dating Show Should You Go On?
Guilty pleasure or no, every dating show fan has wondered how they'd fare on the front lines. Take this quiz, and we'll tell you which popular show would be perfect for you
By Victoria LuxfordIn the nearly 60 years since the debut of classic show The Dating Game, dating shows have become must-watch TV staples for viewers around the world. Of course, few of us will ever have the opportunity to take our love lives on the air, but that doesn’t stop fans of these shows from wondering how they would fare on a tropical island, at the bachelor mansion or on set in the studio. If that sounds like you, then why not join us in taking this quiz to find out which popular dating show would best fit your romantic style. Remember, it’s just for fun, but the results may surprise you!











[Header image: iStock/Olena Vasylieva]
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